Me and a friend recently started a 2on2, both with full s1. He's feral and I'm a frostmage. We took down 2 rogues (both with vengeful-gears) that went for my friend in the thought of him as healer. We also nuked down mage + shaman without bigger problems. But, whenever we are facing Resto Shaman + Warrior or Resto Shaman + hunter we are in deep shit. Trying to kill the shaman is barely an idea since he keeps getting out of sight, and my druid-friend can't outdps his heals alone. CCing the shaman doesn't give us time enough to nuke down a hunter or a warrior that keeps kiting aswell while healer is cc'ed. And of course, I'm called out as prim-target for opposite team so I'm forced to IB pretty early in the fight, due to low hp and low resilience in s1. Anyone that wanna provide me with some tips for this team, and for other teams aswell?
Regards, Mummel.
Fuck the arena-system. 1450 rating facing Full Vengeful geared warlock + shaman. No more pvp for me, I'm off to pve.